Reel Discoveries: My Filmmaking Obsession Begins

Over the past few weeks, I’ve found myself glued to YouTube, diving into videos about filmmaking techniques, cinematography, and production concepts. What started as a casual interest has quickly turned into a full-blown obsession! It’s like I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole, and as I make my way through the myriad tunnels taking me from one aha moment to another, it feels so refreshing and invigorating!

As an avid photographer for many years, I’m no stranger to exploring new ideas for creative studio photoshoots. Over time, the studio setting has felt more and more like home, where I have been able to stretch my creativity and imagination beyond my conventional boundaries. With photography though, I’ve always thought in single frames, capturing single shots of single moments, freezing that single moment in a static image. But filmmaking feels like a whole new world. It’s not just about one frame anymore… it’s about a sequence of frames, coming together to create something that has a life of its own. Video brings in the added elements of sound, movement, and the unexpected, turning a static image into a dynamic story… one that may start somewhere with some objective, but may end up somewhere else, transforming the experience of both creating and viewing in ways that sometimes may be difficult to anticipate.

The more I watch videos of experts and professionals sharing their knowledge and experience of film making, the more I realize that art, in any form, is about breaking barriers and pushing past your own mental blocks. When I started this recent journey, I was quite stressed and concerned about how little I knew about making a short film. But since then, every new technique I learn fuels my desire to keep exploring, diving deeper into this fascinating, and seemingly, limitless world of creative possibilities.

I feel that childlike sensation where all these new learnings are so exciting that I don’t feel like eating or sleeping! Each new thread of knowledge is a shiny new toy, each insight a delicious bar of chocolate! I’m well aware of the fact that I know nothing… and that’s absolutely okay… It keeps my curiosity alive and my motivation at a high.

I believe that this isn’t just about gaining knowledge… it’s about transforming myself as an artist and possibly, as a person. The more I immerse myself in this world, the more I dream of creating something unique, something that stands out and leaves a mark in the art world. It’s a distant dream for sure… but a dream worth chasing!

I can already see myself in a few months, possibly becoming one of those eccentric folks who seem to have lost touch with reality. But in truth, I’ll be more connected than ever, deeply involved in artistic expression and creative exploration. It’s a world where the only limits are the ones you set for yourself, and every day is an opportunity to break free from those constraints, push yourself beyond the hard-coded boundaries and just create freely without the pressure of trying to prove anything to anyone.

There’s a rather selfish joy in this journey… a joy that comes from continuous learning and growth. Each new skill I learn, each new technique I master, brings me closer to my goal. It’s a journey without an end, an endless adventure of discovery and creativity. It does not matter whether I become a famous filmmaker or remain just a passionate hobbyist. Who knows… maybe one day, I’ll create something that not only stands out but also inspires others to start their own artistic adventures! Just as I am inspired by so many amazing creators out there.

For me, it’s about never settling… never thinking I’ve reached my full potential. Because the more I explore, the better I get. It is my hope that someday, I’ll create something that truly leaves its mark in the art world. Until then, I’ll keep learning, keep exploring, and keep dreaming. After all, isn’t that what art is all about?
